

The block explorer is also reachable on : http://gridcoinoz4l7annb44ng7h2k3btzu6kngzb7pwm7ddvvkebp4uchrqd.onion . This public gridcoin node is also a hidden service on the Tor network. This ensures full privacy and security when connecting to a node, for you and me. Gridcoin data is synced without possible tampering by exit nodes etc. If you want to connect to it, don't forget to set Tor as your proxy in the network settings of the gridcoin client. The hidden address of the Tor node is: grcnode7ygii7mvmusy7p37w3bte7lacpayuwm4yzwjoxp2z656rouad.onion (lorlea) If you want your gridcoin client to connect to it, simply add them to your config file: addnode=grcnode7ygii7mvmusy7p37w3bte7lacpayuwm4yzwjoxp2z656rouad.onion # Gridcoin.Network node Lorlea Any questions and/or remarks can be sent to the following mail address: me@cyllos.dev.

Blockchain data provided by node: [loading]

Query time:[loading]

Queries processed:[loading]

Node location: [loading]

Node connections: [loading]

Calculate prices

Calculate est. time to stake

Network stake weight:[loading]